Words By Thomas

Thomas is 20 months old now and a commonly asked question is whether he is talking yet.  Well over the last few weeks he has started offering up a few words.  Here are phonetic spellings of them with our assumed translations:

Mami (mommy)

Dadn, Dadi, Dada (dad)

No (no – he uses this as his answer to any question you might ask)

MinMin (minerva)

Yami (samwise)

Yogi (yoga – he likes to do dog pose with one leg up)

Didi (tv)

Geogi (Curious George – his favorite program)

Wall (wall)

Walli (Wall-E, the first movie he saw in a movie theater)

Oh Oh (oh oh)

bibi (baby)

bubi (bubbles)

woof (dog and wolf and woof)

yoo (zoo)

nyny (night night)

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